Saturday, 29 March 2014


I think I have to write about 15 programs in the next 2 weeks. Almost double that if you want to think about porting the code from GLSL to HLSL... which is funny because the labs are mostly done in HLSL first before porting to GLSL. For the project, it's the opposite since all the tutorials I've found are for GLSL instead of HLSL. At least I have a lot of resources to draw from, including from my own games! Because the developers were "kind" enough to leave the shader code alone while also having their binaries/compiled versions in the same directory.

I have a lot of reading ahead of me to do. Not that I mind. The topic is rather fascinating (normal mapping, practically essentially to games nowadays), although I'd much rather be reading about anti-aliasing techniques right about now. You can blame the screenshot thread on neoGAF for that. And inFAMOUS Second Son. My god that game looks nice... Can't wait to see what new techniques are developed this generation.

And someone should really remind me that oolong tea expands like nothing is their business. Some of the leaves have reached the top of my teapot's lid. Whoops.

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