Looks like I still have a lot to learn about graphics. Different hosting sites seem to have varying levels of extra compression added to images, which may not be easily noticeable at first glance. Been looking at the hosts that the screenshot threads have been using, and they generally don't like using Twitter and Facebook because it just kills everything. It's mostly evident when looking at gradients. Most people probably wouldn't care about it, but sometimes the artifacts really hurt the presentation when you're looking closely enough.
Learned about chromatic aberration while poking at the new Arkham Knight game. Honestly, that's really not a good "technique", if you can even call it that, to showcase how your game looks. Also, that moon? Seriously? Are you trying to invoke Majora's Mask here? Also learned the term "bokeh". Something about focus differences based on distance. Has something to do with depth...? Either way, it can be pleasing or completely disastrous.
The new Mario Kart game seems to be lacking AA, but it'll probably look fine while in motion. It's almost kinda funny... PS4 games seem to be pushing 1080/30 mostly OK (2 games that I know of so far have patches for a 30fps cap), X1 seems to be struggling to get 1080/30 (some games have weird resolutions like Titanfall's 792p), and Wii U is minding its own business while trying to push out 60fps. All sorts of priorities here, but it's still early in the generation. I'd honestly take performance over IQ when forced.
Also, normal mapping is hard. I'll learn it right someday. Maybe even soon.
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