Welp, moving along just fine in the online Python course I'm taking. Just realized that I had failed a test case in the first assignment because if it were perfect, it would've been 42/41 instead of 41/41. Strange, that. I checked the code and compared it against a few simple calc inputs, and nothing seems to be out of the ordinary. Might have been that one weird test case that if you got it, you'll get the mark. If you didn't, you won't be penalized for it. I do wonder what the actual answer was supposed to be though. Testing for a sufficiently large input. Apparently my function spit out a 9 instead of 105? Eh, no use worrying about it since it's not going to be affecting anything in the long run. Got 2 more coding courses that are starting up. One in C# and the other in Scala (whatever that is; sounded interesting though).
Not much to say on OOP. Both GAM courses are proving to be difficult for different reasons. Kinda wishing I had a larger screen since I'm using my own laptop. It's either that, or using glasses with the "right" prescription (the ones that use the actual prescription are sharp as all hell, and it's kinda annoying; hence only wearing them while shooting (not that anyone at Seneca would know that)). Definitely feels like getting a massive crash course on how to use and read templates. Maps are still a little bit out there for the time being, but hopefully I'll get it before too much time has passed. The next lab doesn't look any easier, and there's also a quiz to contend with. Vectors shouldn't be too bad. Feels like review, but I haven't done any practice in quite some time. About 10 years...? Has it really been that long? Certainly doesn't feel like it, although I don't think I can go bother my AlGeo teacher anymore for notes (might have retired to Greece, heh). Shouldn't be too bad, I hope. Miss math... Wanted to major in math...
One interesting thing I ran into while attempting to get Lab 1 done: the fork from Bitbucket compiles, for some reason doesn't like it when I don't have the dGPU running it. If I try to use the iGPU (Intel 3000, default, only up to DX10.1), it spits a fatal exception at me because of not being able to initialize DX11. "Wonderful" was about all I could really say on the matter. Thought something was seriously wrong when I tried to run the tester a little while ago, along with keeping the cloned repo when it was up on GitHub. That one compiles just fine even without setting the .exe to run on the dGPU. Now that that's solved, time to play catch up over the weekend with all my courses (except Python, funny enough) while picking up an item and potentially placing an order with a shop to establish connections.
By the way, I'm getting closer and closer to wanting to murder anyone that touches my laptop screen. I can see where you're pointing, no need for actual physical contact. As much as I like cleaning my tools and, well, tools, I'd like to keep maintenance to a minimum. And speaking of maintenance... Still need to make a new string for my bow for tuning and whatnot. And measurements for a rebuild. Crap. It's only September and I already want to collapse in a puddle of misery. And maybe some hay. Guess I'll murder some paper targets instead.
Probably write too much for blog posts, if my other blog(s) is(are) any indication. Haven't updated the other in a while. Should probably do that because of an outing about 1/2 a month ago.
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